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On Thursday 17th October the Grand Master Mason of Scotland attended a joint 1st degree working in Brussels. The meeting was an initiation conducted by the only two Scottish lodges on Belgian soil: Wellington 1385 and Allegiance 1465.

He headed a delegation of 5 other Grand Office-bearers.

The reason for this joint meeting was the invitation extended to him by the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium. The RGLB invites a Grand Master of a neighbouring country to give a lecture/presentation about a topic chosen by the relevant speaker.

This year it was Scotland's turn. Worshipful Brother, Ramsey McGhee, GMM of Scotland, gave an insight into the history of Freemasonry in Scotland and its influence on the development of worldwide Freemasonry.

He also mentioned all the work that is done by various brethren and organisations with regard to a diversity of activities to raise money for those in need.

One of the achievements for this year was the raising of nearly 500,000 pounds sterling for the research into and the treatment of prostate cancer. Such a huge amount is quite an achievement.

Also present this evening were the Grand Master of the RGLB, and a delegation of 8 other Grand Officers.

The ceremony went very well and the newly inititiated Brother was struck with awe and said at the banquet afterwards that he felt honoured and privileged that so many Brethren had wanted to attend his initiation.

In all, a very successful event.

Gerard Miltenburg, HGB, PM

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